Polacy wśród finalistów tegorocznych iPhone Photography Awards
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Strona 15 z 21
Pierwsze miejsce w kategorii „Podróże’
Jen Pollack Bianco, Seattle WA, USA - „Snow + Fishing Cottages = Win”
I shot this image on a bridge in Norway’s Lofoten Islands overlooking Reinefjord towards Olstinden. The red cabins are traditional fishing cottages. I try to push myself outside of my comfort zone photographically a few times a year, and this year I headed to the arctic in February. I took this shot just after sunrise during a snowstorm. The colors changed every few minutes, and the snowfall was heavy at times changing the moody dramatically from minute to minute. It was a classic “wait for the light” situation. It was amazingly atmospheric and beautiful, but very cold and windy. I shot this image using the native camera app on my iPhone 7 plus. The light was beautiful and I and used a touch of the Instagram Clarendon filter, which punched up the blue in the water. I’ve always been a fan of sunsets but photographing sunrise can be just as magical.
Drugie miejsce w kategorii „Podróże’
Joshua Sarinana, Cambridge MA, USA
I took this image in the summer of 2016 in Cambridge, MA.
Trzecie miejsce w kategorii „Podróże’
Li Jinquan, Pekin, Chiny
Every year, people coming from all over the world are gathering in front of The Taj Mahal no matter whatever their beliefs are. I went there in January of 2014 as a tourist. I saw this marvelous architecture, the people and the shadow of the building on the water, which are very impressive to me. In my eyes, the people in this photo seems to be between an illusory and the reality and the real worlds. I believe beautiful photos are everywhere but stories behind photos captured by photographers are much meaningful to me, even to the world.
Źródło: iPhone Photography Awards