Polacy wśród finalistów tegorocznych iPhone Photography Awards
Kilka dni temu rozdano nagrody w corocznym konkursie iPhone Photography Awards.
Strona 14 z 21
Pierwsze miejsce w kategorii „Panorama’
Nick Trombola, Pittsburg PA, USA
This photo was taken at the American cemetery in Normandy, France in March 2016 as my best attempt to do it justice. There is a kind of indescribably transcendent quality to the memorial that I’ve never really felt anywhere else. It remains to this day my favorite place I’ve ever been, and the way the sun reflects off the perfect white headstones in this photo always remind me of the feeling of wholeness I have when I go there.
Drugie miejsce w kategorii „Panorama”
Andrew McCausland, Abbotsford BC, Kanada - „Yoho Sunset”
This picture was taken in the Yoho National Park of Canada just outside of Field, BC on October 12, 2016. I was traveling to Banff from Vancouver and the sun was disappearing over the mountains and I was compelled to stop and capture the Majestic mountain in the fading light.
Trzecie miejsce w kategorii „Panorama”
Brian Marchuck, Lancaster PA, USA
The day started beautiful and sunny. During an ATV ride through the Sedona Mountain wilderness I jumped off the ATV as a rain storm blew in and portions of the sky started dropping rain bands over the landscape. The photo is called, Rain Over the Reds.
Polacy wyróżnieni w kategorii „Panorama”
Patryk Kuleta
Źródło: iPhone Photography Awards