Polacy wśród finalistów tegorocznych iPhone Photography Awards
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Strona 17 z 21
Pierwsze miejsce w kategorii „Serie”
Joshua Sarinana, Cambridge MA, USA - „Image of Structure”
I always have at least one camera with me at all times, and now that I have a toddler most of my images are made between work and home. Because I work across the street from the Stata Center — which contains the Computer Science and Artificial Laboratory (CSAIL) and Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — I come across the building several times a day. It’s an easy building to shoot in that it lends itself to photography, and I’m constantly bumping into people taking a photo of it. However, it’s difficult to make a unique image of the building that stands out from the plethora of photos online.
Drugie miejsce w kategorii „Serie”
Javier Wandosell, Madryt, Hiszpania - „Hidden Parts”
For several years while working for different agencies, I have had the great fortune of being the creative director for the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao account. Walking through its exhibition rooms, footbridges, corridors, and stairs, during many long productions sessions gave me the opportunity to discover beautiful corners and backlit spaces that often pass unnoticed when visiting the museum. Perhaps these less familiar areas didn´t carry the iconic burden of the rest of the building, but they still preserved the intention and the presence of its author Frank Gehry in the lines In my first next visit as a tourist and without the rush of work, I couldn’t resist the temptation to search out these corners and spaces, but this time bring them home with me.
Trzecie miejsce w kategorii „Serie”
Pierfrancesco Ajroldi, Rzym, Włochy - „Alzheimer”
I read an article explaining how women were to pay the highest price in Alzheimer disease. One day in Leverano inside a garbage basket I found these old photographs, some ruined and others missing in some parts. Photographs are for me associated with memory, and thrown away photos are like losing a memory. I associated this with Alzheimer’s disease, so I decided to develop a project on this subject, combining the collage and what I had read in the newspaper article.
Źródło: iPhone Photography Awards