Polacy wśród finalistów tegorocznych iPhone Photography Awards
Kilka dni temu rozdano nagrody w corocznym konkursie iPhone Photography Awards.
Strona 13 z 21
Pierwsze miejsce w kategorii „Natura”
Aaron Sandberg, Chicago IL, USA
I took this photo in late June of 2016 while in Sigtuna, Sweden. I used my old iPhone 6s (native camera) then did some light post-processing with Snapseed, Photoshop Fix, and VSCO. This photo didn’t need too much editing at all unlike some of my others—nature did most of the work here. This was the best shot out of maybe a dozen or so captures.
Drugie miejsce w kategorii „Natura”
Dongrui Yu, Junnan, Chiny
Trzecie miejsce w kategorii „Natura”
Joseph-Cyr, Tucson AZ, USA
Coming down from an after-work trail run on a ridge above a canyon in the Santa Catalina Mountains, this grouping of saguaros caught my eye. Iconic, perhaps cliché, these giant cacti, but I never tire of running among these living columns that can live for more than two centuries and weigh a couple tons. The slant of light on winter evenings adds such a contemplative flavor to the desert. It’s good to be reminded of our own brevity.
Źródło: iPhone Photography Awards