Polacy wśród finalistów tegorocznych iPhone Photography Awards
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Strona 16 z 21
Pierwsze miejsce w kategorii „Portret’
Gabriel Ribeiro - Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazylia
This photo was taken in January of that year, my aunt came from Bahia to Campo Grande and my cousin was with me when I had the idea of doing a picture of him, we went to the nearest window and began to photograph using natural light. My main goal was to capture the depth that a look can achieve, especially when it comes to children. I used the Lightroom Mobile app along with Snapseed to get the final result.
Drugie miejsce w kategorii „Portret”
Dan Liu, Syczuan, Chiny
This photo was taken in October 2016, in a Tajik people’s community in Tashkurghan county, China. Tajik people are an Iranian-speaking ethnic minority in China. This old lady was just back from herding her sheep.
Trzecie miejsce w kategorii „Portret’
Vlad Wasylkewicz, Kijów, Ukraina
The title for this work is “Run with us, they said. It’s just a run, they said,”and it is from an annual bright event that combines sport and fun with a goal to bring the message of healthy lifestyle to the city. The color run is a holiday in which there is a place for running under the splashes of holi paints, a music program, a drawing of prizes and charity for kids. The Color Run celebrates the individuality and uniqueness of every member of it.
Polacy wyróżnieni w kategorii „Portret”
Magdalena de Jonge Malucha
Magdalena de Jonge Malucha
Źródło: iPhone Photography Awards