Polacy wśród finalistów tegorocznych iPhone Photography Awards
Kilka dni temu rozdano nagrody w corocznym konkursie iPhone Photography Awards.
Strona 12 z 21
Martwa natura
Pierwsze miejsce w kategorii „Martwa natura”
David Hayes, Milford OH, USA - „Over”
I’ve been working in the still life genre for the last several years and like styling vignettes such as this one. I had recently seen several other images that had used a smoking candle and wanted to see what I could do with that concept.
Drugie miejsce w kategorii „Martwa natura”
Deena Berton, Weston MA, USA
Trzecie miejsce w kategorii „Martwa natura”
Waldemar Nowak, Gdańsk, Polska
This photo, “Abandoned Chair,” was taken in abandoned resort in Poland – I love to explore abandoned buildings. Everything that surrounds me and brings out emotions to me – is my inspiration. I catch a moment, I’m a thief of frames.
Polacy wyróżnieni w kategorii „Martwa natura”
Waldemar Nowak
Źródło: iPhone Photography Awards