Polacy wśród finalistów tegorocznych iPhone Photography Awards
Kilka dni temu rozdano nagrody w corocznym konkursie iPhone Photography Awards.
Strona 2 z 21
Grand Prix i fotograf roku
Główna nagroda
Sebastiano Tomada, USA - „Children of Qayyarah”
Children roam the streets in Qayyarah near the fire and smoke billowing from oil wells, set ablaze by ISIS militants.
Pierwsze miejsce, fotograf roku
Brendan O Se, Cork, Irlandia - "Dock Worker"
I shot this photo on an early morning photo walk around the docks in Jakarta in April 2016. These were the hands of a dock worker who was taking a break. I was struck by the texture created by the accumulated dirt on his hands.
Drugie miejsce, fotograf roku
Yeow-Kwang Yeo, Singapore - "The Performer" (iPhone 6 Plus)
Chines traditional street opera is part of the Chinese culture. Unfortunately, the young generation in Singapore is no longer interested. Hence the street opera is fast disappearing. Instead of shooting their performance, I decided to go the back of the stage to capture the performers’ preparation activity. I spotted this experience performer who is taking a short rest and was waiting for his turn to perform. I was attracted by the lighting of the old plastic curtain, electric fan, and the overall calm atmosphere.
Trzecie miejsce, fotograf roku
Kuanglong Zhang, Shenzhen, Chiny - "The City Palace" (iPhone 7)
Udaipur is one of the most romantic cities in India. in the City palace, I snapped a moment of one of the staff gazing out of the window as if he saw the slowly historic course of the palace’s construction, which was as quite attractive moment.
Źródło: iPhone Photography Awards