Kilka dni temu rozdano nagrody w corocznym konkursie iPhone Photography Awards.

Strona 9 z 21


Pierwsze miejsce w kategorii „Krajobraz”

Christian Horgan, Fremantle, Australia - Singing Rock

I captured this image in the Margaret River region of Western Australia. It’s my second home, and one of the most spectacular places on earth. This was taken on the coast at Wyadup Rocks, and is called Singing Rock. I was swimming there with family when I was drawn to it by the sound of it’s song as the wind whistled through it, and just had to capture this image.

Drugie miejsce w kategorii „Krajobraz”

Sergey Pesterev, Mendelejewo, Rosja

This photo was taken on January 30, 2016, on Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal, Russia. It was the first ice on the lake after heavy frosts below -30C, it is titled, Baikal Ice on Sunset.

Trzecie miejsce w kategorii „Krajobraz”

Alexandra Maldonado, Quito, Ekwador - „Pachamama”

This photo, titled Pachamama, was taken on June 5, 2016 at the Cayambe Volcano in Ecuador, at 5790 meters.

Polacy wyróżnieni w kategorii „Krajobraz”

Karolina Zielony

Magdalena de Jonge Malucha

Rafał Romotowski

Amadeusz Jackiewicz

Źródło: iPhone Photography Awards