Nowe gry w Apple Arcade (15.10.2019)
W ostatnich dniach Apple uzupełniło ofertę gier w Apple Arcade dla komputerów Mac. Różnica pomiędzy macOS i iOS w liczbie tytułów dostępnych w tej usłudze powoli się zmniejsza.

Najnowsze gry w Apple Arcade dla Maca to Towaga: Among Shadows, Super Impossible Road oraz Decoherence. W usłudze tej dla macOS dostępnych jest obecnie 61 tytułów.
Aktualna lista gier dla iOS, iPadOS, macOS i tvOS
- A Fold Apart (Lightning Rod Games)
- Alba: A Wildlife Adventure (ustwo games)
- All of You (Alike Studio)
- A Monster's Expedition (Draknek Limited)
- Agent Intercept (PikPok)
- ATONE: Heart of the Elder Tree (Wildboy Studios)
- Assemble With Care (usTwo)
- Backgammon+(Adikus)
- BADLAND+(Frogmind)
- Ballistic Baseball (Gameloft)
- BattleSky Brigade: Harpooner (BattleBrew Production)
- Beyond a Steel Sky (Revolution)
- Beyond Blue (E-Line Media)
- Big Time Sports (Frosty Pop)
- Bleak Sword (Devolver Digital)
- Butter Royale (Mighty Bear Games)
- Card of Darkness (Zach Gage)
- Cardpocalypse (Gambrinous Limited)
- Cat Quest II (The Gentlebros)
- Charrua Soccer (Batovi Games Studio)
- ChuChu Rocket! Universe (SEGA)
- Cozy Grove(Spry Fox, LLC)
- Creaks (Amanita Design)
- Cricket Through the Ages (Devolver)
- Crossy Road Castle (Hipster Whale)
- Dead End Job (Headup)
- Dear Reader (Local No. 12)
- Decoherence (Efecto Estudios SAS)
- Discolored (Shifty Eye)
- Dodo Peak (Moving Pieces)
- Don't Bug Me! (Frosty Pop)
- Doomsday Vault (Likeitalot Ltd)
- Down in Bermuda (Yak & Co)
- Dread Nautical (Zen Studios)
- Dzieje się nocą / Things That Go Bump (Tinybop)
- EarthNight (Cleaversoft)
- Exit the Gungeon (Devolver Digital)
- Explottens (Werplay Priv.)
- Fallen Knight (FairPlay Studios)
- Farm It!(Tummy Games)
- Fledgling Heroes (Subtle Boom)
- Frogger in Toy Town (Konami)
- Game of Thrones: Tale of Crows (Devolver Digital / HBO)
- Grindstone (Capybara Games)
- Guildings (Sirvo Studios)
- Hexaflip: The Action Puzzler (Rogue Games)
- Hitchhiker - Gra tajemnicza(Versus Evil)
- Hogwash (Bossa Studios)
- Hot Lava (Klei Entertainment)
- HyperBrawl Tournament (Milky Tea)
- Inmost (Hidden Layer Games)
- Jenny LeClue - Detectivu (Mografi)
- Jumper Jon (Esteban Duran)
- King's League II (Kurechii)
- Kings of the Castle (Frosty Pop)
- Legend of The Skyfish 2 (Crescent Moon Games)
- LEGO® Brawls (LEGO)
- LEGO® Builder's Journey (LEGO)
- Lifelike: Chapter One(kunabi brother)
- Lifeslide (Block Zero Games)
- Little Orpheus (Sumo Digital Ltd)
- Loud House: Outta Control (Nickelodeon)
- lumen. (Lykkegaard Europe Limited)
- Manifold Garden (William Chyr Studio LLC)
- Marble It Up: Mayhem! (The Marble Collective)
- Marble Knights (WayForward Technologies)
- Mind Symphony (Rogue Games)
- Mini Motorways (Dinosaur Polo Club)
- Monomals (PICOMY)
- Murder Mystery Machine ( Blazing Griffin)
- Mutazione (Die Gute Fabrik)
- Necrobarista (Router 59 PTY LTD)
- Neo Cab (Surprise Attack Games)
- Neversong (Serenity Forge)
- Next Stop Anywhere (Night School Studio)
- Nightmare Farm
- No Way Home (SMG Studio)
- NUTS - A Surveillance Mystery
- Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon
- Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Old Realm (Cornfox & Bros)
- Operator 4 (Shifty Eye Games)
- Outlanders (Outbox SRL)
- Over the Alps (Stave Studios)
- Overland (Finji)
- PAC-MAN Party Royale
- Painty Mob (Flee Punk)
- Patterned (Borderleap)
- Pilgrims (Amanita Design)
- Populus Run
- Possessions(Noodlecake Studios)
- Projection: First Light (Blowfish Studios)
- Punch Planet (Block Zero Games)
- Rayman Mini (Ubisoft)
- Red Reign (Ninja Kiwi)
- Redout: Space Assuault
- Reigns: Beyond (Devolver)
- Rosie's Reality (Rosie's Reality)
- Roundguard (Wonderbelly Games)
- Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time (adult swim)
- Sayonara Wild Hearts (Annapurna)
- Scrappers (Q-Games Ltd).
- Secret Oops! (Mixed Bag Srl)
- Shantae and the Seven Sirens (WayForward Technologies)
- Shinsekai Into the Depths (Capcom)
- ShockRods (Stainless Games)
- Skate City (Snowman)
- Slash Quest (Noodlecake)
- Sneaky Sasquatch (Rac7 Games)
- Sociable Soccer (Rogue Games)
- Sonic Racing (SEGA)
- South of The Circle (State of Play Games)
- Spaceland (Tortuga Team)
- Speed Demons (Radiangames)
- Spek(Rac7 Games)
- Spelldrifter (Free Range Games)
- Spidersaurs (WayForward)
- SP!NG (SMG Studio)
- Spire Blast
- SpongeBob: Patty Pursuit (Nikelodeon)
- Spyder (Sumo Digital Ltd)
- Star Fetched (Crescent Moon Games)
- Stela (SkyBox)
- Stellar Commanders (Blindflug Studios)
- Stranded Sails (Shifty Eye Games)
- Super Impossible Road (Rogue Games)
- Super Mega Mini Party (Red Games Co)
- Survival Z (Ember Entertainment)
- Takeshi and Hiroshi (Oink Games Inc.)
- Tales of Memo (TENDAYS STUDIO)
- Tangle Tower (SFB Games)
- The Bradwell Conspiracy
- The Collage Atlas (John William Evelyn)
- The Enchanted World (Noodlecake Studios)
- The Get Out Kids (Frosty Pop)
- The Last Campfire (Hello Games)
- The Lullaby of Life (1 Simple Game)
- The Moisaic (Raw Fury)
- The_Otherside (The Label)
- The Pathless (Annapurna Interactive)
- The Pinball Wizard (Frosty Pop)
- Tint(Lykke Studios)
- Towaga: Among Shadows (Noodlecake Studios)
- Towers of Everland (Cobra Mobile Limited)
- UFO on Tape: First Contact (Revolutionary Concepts)
- Ultimate Rivals: The Rink (Bit Fry Game Studios)
- Unleash the Light (Turner Broadcasting)
- Various Daylife (Square Enix)
- Warp Drive (Supergonk Ltd.)
- Way of the Turtle (Illusion Labs)
- WHAT THE GOLF? (The Label)
- Where Cards Fall (Snowman)
- Winding Worlds (KO_OP)
- Wonderbox: The Adventure Maker (AQUIRIS GAME STUDIO LLC)
- Word Laces (Minimega)
- World's End Club (Izanagigames)
- Yaga The Roleplaying Folktale (Versus Evil)
- Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes (Firefly Games)