High-quality higher education is a prestigious feature of a modern young person. It is important to acquire useful knowledge and skills. There is a diverse list of universities and institutes, and every school graduate has the right to make a full choice. Obviously, a university is a serious step into a new life, not necessarily an adult life, but a completely different one, where there will be a dormitory.
There is a stereotype among high school students that student life is all about regular fun, parties, and lots of free time. In reality, studying at university is a continuous work, which, unfortunately, is not always rewarding. Of course, every average student has fun, but it is limited by time, finances, and mood.
Summer is coming to an end, freshmen are stocked up on energy, parents on money and nerves. They have finally chosen a profession and a place of residence, i.e. the basic conditions for student life have been created, but there are many other equally important factors. You need to organize everything properly and set yourself up for responsibility.
1.It is especially important to perceive the new environment correctly, to psychologically tune in to the changes, to create conditions for quick adaptation
Studying in another city will be a good student experience, it will form a new outlook, and will be an impetus for independence from parents. In the future, this will ensure your own self-sufficiency and loyalty to your work. It is worth noting that at the beginning of independent life it is very difficult, especially morally. First of all, you need to carefully study the class schedule, create a convenient plan, and memorize the name of each teacher. You should also immediately get a good idea of the location of the classrooms to avoid being late, and senior students or the technical staff of the educational institution will be happy to help you with this. When you meet your classmates, present yourself as sociable and responsible. There is no need to open up too much, you will have time to show your character during the session. It is important to create an atmosphere in the group. Everyone should be assigned certain organizational responsibilities, and cooperation and friendship should be formed immediately. The main thing is not to judge anyone, it is better to criticize with hints, or even ignore dissatisfaction.
Students after school still have a poor understanding of the concept of a "classmate". At the university, it's basically every man for himself (in terms of curriculum), while at school there were always textbooks, in higher education, everyone has different sources of information. In fact, this is very convenient, a good way to diversify and develop your own creativity.
Currently, the system of supervision is being rejected in the higher education system, and students are being allowed to "free float" around the university, meaning that there will be no assigned teacher who will control everything like a classroom teacher at school. Each group appoints a group leader, who automatically takes responsibility for the entire process and activities of the group. You need to have a good relationship and constant communication with this person, who is a reference leader who can be counted on when questions arise.