How to write an essay for the Baccalaureate?
The final exam essay is very important, as it makes up as much as half of the total mark in the Slovenian language exam. For this reason, it is important to prepare very well for it. Since there's not much time left to prepare for it, we've put together some tips to help you get the best marks on your final exam essay!
What do you need to know about the Baccalaureate essay?
You can choose whether you want to write an essay of reasoning, comparing what you read, or just buy a narrative essay. The writing time is 120 minutes or 2 hours.
The essay for the Baccalaureate must be at least 700 words long.
A pass mark in the final exam essay can earn you a maximum of 50 points.
You can get 30 points for content and 20 points for language, which is assessed on linguistic correctness, style and appropriate structure.
Instructions for a well-written GCSE essay
Instructions on how to write a good final exam essayWhether you choose to write a discussion essay or an interpretative essay for the final exam, you must show both a good knowledge of all the books you have been asked to read and a good command of the Slovene language and spelling rules. So, if you want to get the best grade, you need to have both, but you also need to be able to argue or justify everything you write.
1. Have you read the books? Read them again!
A good knowledge of the content of all the books is essential, so you really need to read them in detail. You need to know the themes and motifs that appear in all the works, the time of the setting and the historical and social context, all the main and secondary characters that appear in all the books and their names and character, the relationships between the characters and how they change throughout the story, the meaning of the symbols that appear in the selected plays, etc. The more knowledge you have, the easier it will be to write your essay!
2. Extract the essential information and summarise your knowledge!
It is best if you take notes as you read. There's nothing wrong with looking for information elsewhere - in notes you've taken in class, in your textbook, in other literature or online - you just need to remember that in the end, you need to summarise all your knowledge so that you can extract the essentials from what you know at any given moment. Having all the essential information in one place will also make it much easier to revise and consolidate what you've learned just before writing your essay!
3. Learn how to write a good essay!
Experiencing difficulties with writing essays? Wondering how long your paragraphs should be and how many of them there should be? Don't know how to formulate a conclusion? Contact . They definitely know how to write essays. You need to know some rules and practice a lot to be able to put them into practice. But to get the best marks in the exam, you also need to learn to read the instructions carefully. If the instructions say that two people should be compared to each other, just describing the two people will not be enough to get all the marks. Therefore, you need to read the instructions carefully and extract from them what they are asking you to do.
4. Make a good draft!
There is more than enough time to write your essay for the GCSE, as you have 2 hours. So don't rush your writing, but read the instructions in detail first, then think about them and make an outline in the form of a thought pattern or bullet points. Write down the key points you want to make, and finally check that you have done everything the instructions ask you to do. Once you have a good outline, the writing will flow naturally!
5. Every essay in the Baccalaureate must have an introduction, a core and a conclusion.
The proper structure of the text is one of the most easily met criteria in the assessment. A well-written outline can help you to do this, ensuring that your exam essay has a common thread and is sensibly divided into an introduction, a core and a conclusion. The introduction should outline the central problem or thesis of the essay, which is usually also indicated in the first part of the instructions. Further instructions refer to the core, in which you have to develop the initial thesis, elaborate on it and argue it with examples from the passage or both novels. You may also add your own opinion, which must also be substantiated. Finally, you should write a conclusion in which you respond to the initial thesis, thus tying the essay together into a coherent whole.
6. Repeat the spelling rules!
Writing an essay with excellent content does not mean that you will get a perfect grade. This is because the content is assessed as well as the language and style of writing. It is spelling mistakes that usually cause students to lose the most marks. For this reason, it is a good idea to review the spelling rules and reinforce them when preparing to write the Baccalaureate essay. After all, this will also be useful for the second part of the Slovenian Baccalaureate, when you will have to fill in the matriculation field!
7. Practice, practice, practice!
The most important thing is to practise, so you should write as many test essays as possible. This will help you to make essay writing a routine and will help you to practise both your writing technique and your spelling skills.
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