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@Forti "watchOS 6 is currently available in developer beta and will be released to everyone this fall. It’s compatible with Apple Watch Series 1, Series 2, Series 3, and Series 4. The Noise app is only available on the Series 4." To takie info z
@Kacper Baran „Apple marketing set an even higher bar in the advertising industry this year and is closing out 2018 with three commercials in Adweek’s Top 25 Best Ads of the Year.” Widzę że jesteś większym ekspertem od profesjonalistów w tej branży. Brawo może w tym roku zostaniesz zaproszony do grona ekspertów.
Apple Lossless, Hi-Res oraz Spatial Audio z Dolby Atmos - na jakich słuchawkach oraz urządzeniach
"Jedynymi słuchawkami Apple, które mogą odtwarzać dźwięk Hi-Res są AirPodsy Max, lecz muszą być one podłączone przewodowo."
"Apple told The Verge that when a 24-bit/48 kHz Apple Music lossless track is played to an iPhone into the AirPods Max using a Lightning cable and a Lightning-to-3.5mm dongle, the audio is converted to analog and then re-digitized to 24-bit/48 kHz. The re-digitization is not an identical match to the source and Apple is not able to say that it's lossless audio."
I nastepny cytat z Appleinsider " AirPods Max won't support Apple Music lossless over Lightning, HomePod also left out"
I cytat z konkurencyjnej polskiej strony: "Niestety nie będzie to możliwe w przypadku AirPods Max – Apple potwierdziło, że port Lightning w tym modelu słuchawek nie wspiera cyfrowych formatów audio. "
MacRumors " Earlier today, we confirmed that AirPods, AirPods Pro, and AirPods Max will not support lossless audio over Bluetooth because of Bluetooth limitations, and it turns out there's no direct wired lossless option for the AirPods Max either.
airpods max ear cushions finished Apple's AirPods Max headphones are equipped with a Lightning port, but it is limited to analog sources and will not natively support digital audio formats in wired mode."
Brawo MyApple - znowu rzetelna informacja.