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iPhone XS - "AOP PANIC - K2-Bosch control channel write failures"

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#1 tolini9

  • 2 postów

Napisano 25 lipca 2022 - 21:36


Pojawił mi się w danych panic-full z taką zawartością. Czy byłby ktoś w stanie mi odpowiedzieć co to może być? Podejrzewam, że taśma portu ładowania, gdyż była wymieniana po awarii mikrofonu. Podejrzewam też, że została ona wymieniona na jakiś najtańszy zmiennik. Czy podmiana na oryginał może naprawić błąd?

 panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff00e4487c8): AOP PANIC - K2-Bosch control channel write failures 

 - main(5)
K2-Bosch control channel write failures 
RTKit: RTKit_iOS-1827.120.2.debug - Client: iphone11aop:AppleSPUFirmwareBuilder-373.100.9~10981
!UUID: ccc98032-1cc7-3e81-a551-638690dd6a5b
Time: 0x00000240e79e8c79
Faulting task   5 Call Stack: 0x000000000109bb8c 0x000000000109b6ec 0x000000000109b5a0 0x000000000109de00 0x0000000001029e84 0x000000000102d8c4 0x000000000109c048 0x0000000001088de0 000000000000000000
RTKit Task List:
   name                    | pri     | stack use | status     | resource | warning
 0 audio                   | 017     |  2112/4096  | SEMWAIT    | 0x1145230 | 
      0x0000000001088538 0x000000000108971c 0x000000000109bfd8 0x0000000001088de0
 1 rtk_ep_work             | 057     |   832/2048  | SEMWAIT    | 0x10ed300 | 
      0x0000000001088538 0x000000000108971c 0x000000000109bfd8 0x0000000001088de0
 2 power                   | 000     |  1072/2048  | RUNNABLE   | 0x1119c78 | 
      0x0000000001088538 0x000000000109aea4 0x000000000109aaa4 0x0000000001088de0
 3 os_log_wl               | 013     |   784/2048  | SEMWAIT    | 0x10c1740 | 
      0x0000000001088538 0x000000000108971c 0x000000000109bfd8 0x0000000001088de0
 4 log_flush               | 015     |   752/4096  | SEMWAIT    | 0x10ea210 | 
      0x0000000001088538 0x000000000108971c 0x000000000109f09c 0x0000000001088de0
 5 main                    | 015     |  3648/8192  | RUNNABLE   | 0 | [Faulting task]
 6 pearl                   | 020     |  3232/4096  | SEMWAIT    | 0xffffffffef030f40 | 
      0x0000000001088538 0x000000000108971c 0x000000000109bfd8 0x0000000001088de0
 7 prox                    | 014     |  3072/4096  | SEMWAIT    | 0x1166b70 | 
      0x0000000001088538 0x000000000108971c 0x000000000109bfd8 0x0000000001088de0
 8 voicetrigger            | 013     |   512/6144  | SEMWAIT    | 0x10f5730 | 
      0x0000000001088538 0x000000000108971c 0x0000000001089f50 0x0000000001057be8 0x0000000001057bc0 0x0000000001088de0
 9 cma                     | 011     |  6320/12288 | SEMWAIT    | 0x10cb680 | 
      0x0000000001088538 0x000000000108971c 0x000000000109bfd8 0x0000000001088de0
Chinook ASC Async error info: 
l2c_err_sts 0x10001bfc00000000, l2c_err_adr 000000000000000000, l2c_err_inf 000000000000000000
lsu_err_sts 000000000000000000, fed_err_sts 000000000000000000, mmu_err_sts 000000000000000000
Mailbox (0): (0)
  Inbox  AKF_KIC_INBOX_CTRL = 0x00020001, AKF_KIC_MAILBOX_SET = 0x11111101
  Outbox AKF_AP_OUTBOX_CTRL = 0x00020001, AKF_AP_MAILBOX_SET  = 0x00000000
    dir   endpoint      timestamp           msg
    ====  ============  ==================  ==================
    [TX]        user09  0x00000240e6894c48  0x0085000000000000
    [RX]        user09  0x00000240e689cbf8  0x00a2000000000000
    [TX]        user09  0x00000240e689da60  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user07  0x00000240e68e1388  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e6936eb8  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e69e7244  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e6a96eac  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e6b46f5c  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e6bf7708  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e6ca6f40  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e6d57b90  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user07  0x00000240e6decb54  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e6e07098  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e6eb7010  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e6f67100  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e7017160  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e70c748c  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user07  0x00000240e7121820  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e71771f0  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e72274d0  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e72d71fc  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e73872b0  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e7437534  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user12  0x00000240e749e63c  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e74e72d4  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e75972ec  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e76473b0  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e76f7598  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e77a76e4  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e785744c  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e7907c48  0x0085000000000000
    [TX]        user02  0x00000240e79b75a8  0x0085000000000000
SMB Registers: 0x11009e0
  smsta: 0x08010118
  mcnt : 0x00000000
  xfsta: 0x00000000
  imask: 0x06a00040
SMB Registers: 0x1100aa0
  smsta: 0x00010118
  mcnt : 0x00000000
  xfsta: 0x00000000
  imask: 0x06a00040
Found SCM Data: spi0
Found SCM Data: i2cm0
Found SCM Data: i2cm1
Sleep Count: 26552757
Wake Count:  26339370
Duty Cycle:  8
RTBuddy(AP): Debug info:
_iopStatus = 0x8
_powerStateChangeLocked = false
Mailbox Status:
IDLE_STATUS: 0x00000028
MAILBOX_SET: 0x00000000
MAILBOX_CLR: 0x00000000
INBOX_CTRL: 0x00020001
OUTBOX_CTRL: 0x00021101
AP->IOP Mailbox Log:
Timestamp          | Dir  | Message
0x000001005d6ac01c | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d6ac0c8 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d75b734 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d75b8a0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d80c528 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d80c5d0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d8a13e0 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d8a1540 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000026
0x000001005d8bb9d8 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d8bba90 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d96b84c | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d96b8f0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005da1b9f0 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005da1bb28 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005dacbc00 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005dacbd28 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005db7be94 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005db7bf3c | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005dbd60d0 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005dbd61e0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000026
0x000001005dc2ba34 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005dc2bb64 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005dcdbdd8 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005dcdc0ac | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005dd8ba90 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005dd8bb78 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005de3bac8 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005de3bbb4 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005deec0d8 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005deec210 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005df530ec | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005df531b4 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x001001000000002b
0x000001005df9bc38 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005df9bd90 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005e04bb64 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005e04bc98 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005e0fbc4c | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005e0fbe10 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005e1abd78 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005e1abea0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005e25c134 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005e25c1ec | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005e30bcbc | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005e30bdd4 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005e3bc888 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005e3bc9b4 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005e46bec0 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005e46c104 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005e4a43fc | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005e4a4624 | [RX] | 0x00102000000c0000 0x0010010000000001
0x000001005c2fac44 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c2fad24 | [RX] | 0x004000000000004a 0x0010010000000000
0x000001005c315318 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c315420 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000026
0x000001005c36b200 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c36b278 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005c41ae64 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c41aebc | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005c4cba70 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c4cbd3c | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005c57b330 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c57b450 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005c62b8bc | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c62b994 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005c6db428 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c6db518 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005c78b4d8 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c78b58c | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005c83bb3c | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c83bbdc | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005c8eb38c | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c8eb4a8 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005c99b4b4 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005c99b5b8 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005ca4b130 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005ca4b1b8 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005cafb190 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005cafb234 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005cb554c0 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005cb555c0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000026
0x000001005cbab508 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005cbab76c | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005cc5bb7c | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005cc5bc68 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005cd0b5d0 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005cd0b6f0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005cdbb770 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005cdbb808 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005ce6b390 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005ce6b3ec | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005cf0ebe0 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005cf0ed78 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x001001000000002b
0x000001005cf1bedc | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005cf1c08c | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005cfcb59c | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005cfcb680 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d051bcc | [TX] | 0x00a2000000000000 0x0000000000000028
0x000001005d052a60 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d052aa4 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000028
0x000001005d056040 | [TX] | 0x00a2000000000000 0x0000000000000028
0x000001005d063f80 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d063fd0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000028
0x000001005d07b3b0 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d07b428 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d12b3fc | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d12b4c4 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d1dbc14 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d1dbc7c | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d28b9f0 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d28bc28 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d33b508 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d33b5f0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d3411b4 | [TX] | 0x00a2000000000000 0x0000000000000028
0x000001005d349498 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d3494f0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000028
0x000001005d351014 | [TX] | 0x00a2000000000000 0x0000000000000028
0x000001005d352260 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d3522e0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000028
0x000001005d395c00 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d395d20 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000026
0x000001005d3eb76c | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d3eb920 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d49bca8 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d49bd5c | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d54b654 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d54b6f4 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
0x000001005d5fb808 | [RX] | Interrupt
0x000001005d5fb8e0 | [RX] | 0x0085000000000000 0x0010010000000021
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x1
OS release type: User
OS version: 19F77
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 21.5.0: Thu Apr 21 21:50:10 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.122.1~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8020
Kernel UUID: DD447920-A41D-32F1-A34E-92EA889E84E9
iBoot version: iBoot-7459.
secure boot?: YES
Paniclog version: 13
Kernel slide:      0x0000000006054000
Kernel text base:  0xfffffff00d058000
mach_absolute_time: 0x1005fbea64a
Epoch Time:        sec       usec
  Boot    : 0x62daff78 0x000357ff
  Sleep   : 0x62dc91ee 0x000d04f3
  Wake    : 0x62dc9221 0x000ad3e5
  Calendar: 0x62dc92ba 0x0004465b
Zone info:
  Zone map: 0xffffffe413e44000 - 0xffffffea13e44000
  . VM    : 0xffffffe413e44000 - 0xffffffe4fa4a8000
  . RO    : 0xffffffe4fa4a8000 - 0xffffffe547174000
  . GEN0  : 0xffffffe547174000 - 0xffffffe62d7d8000
  . GEN1  : 0xffffffe62d7d8000 - 0xffffffe713e3c000
  . GEN2  : 0xffffffe713e3c000 - 0xffffffe7fa4a4000
  . GEN3  : 0xffffffe7fa4a4000 - 0xffffffe8e0b0c000
  . DATA  : 0xffffffe8e0b0c000 - 0xffffffea13e44000
  Metadata: 0xffffffe41108c000 - 0xffffffe41288c000
  Bitmaps : 0xffffffe41288c000 - 0xffffffe413e34000
CORE 0: PC=0xfffffff00dba7fb4, LR=0xfffffff00dba7fb4, FP=0xffffffe00a0d3f00
CORE 1 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.
CORE 2: PC=0xfffffff00dba7fb4, LR=0xfffffff00dba7fb4, FP=0xffffffe009b3bf00
CORE 3: PC=0xfffffff00dba7fb4, LR=0xfffffff00dba7fb4, FP=0xffffffe0099cbf00
CORE 4: PC=0xfffffff00dba7fb8, LR=0xfffffff00dba7fb4, FP=0xffffffe009d3bf00
CORE 5: PC=0xfffffff00dba7fb4, LR=0xfffffff00dba7fb4, FP=0xffffffe00a19bf00
Compressor Info: 25% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 9% of segments limit (OK) with 1 swapfiles and OK swap space
Panicked task 0xffffffe713ef4668: 0 pages, 346 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Panicked thread: 0xffffffe71399d488, backtrace: 0xffffffe009a7b7d0, tid: 585
  lr: 0xfffffff00db74730  fp: 0xffffffe009a7b810
  lr: 0xfffffff00db74448  fp: 0xffffffe009a7b880
  lr: 0xfffffff00dcc2050  fp: 0xffffffe009a7b8a0
  lr: 0xfffffff00dcb3498  fp: 0xffffffe009a7b910
  lr: 0xfffffff00dcb243c  fp: 0xffffffe009a7b9a0
  lr: 0xfffffff00e2b87b8  fp: 0xffffffe009a7b9b0
  lr: 0xfffffff00db74124  fp: 0xffffffe009a7bd40
  lr: 0xfffffff00db74124  fp: 0xffffffe009a7bda0
  lr: 0xfffffff00fb3f8fc  fp: 0xffffffe009a7bdc0
  lr: 0xfffffff00e4487c8  fp: 0xffffffe009a7be60
  lr: 0xfffffff00e41cf34  fp: 0xffffffe009a7be90
  lr: 0xfffffff00e1d5e68  fp: 0xffffffe009a7bee0
  lr: 0xfffffff00e1d6734  fp: 0xffffffe009a7bf20
  lr: 0xfffffff00e2c0720  fp: 0x0000000000000000

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