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MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009) - Samsung 840Evo problem

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3 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 prototypeartworks

  • 146 postów
  • SkądBirmingham, United Kingdom

Napisano 29 maja 2017 - 14:21

Witam, posiadam Macbook Pro 13' Mid 2009 (przez Apple określany jako vintage), ostatnio oddany do naprawy aby wymienić matrycę, po naprawie okazuje się iż system nie startuje, postanowiłem postawić wszystko na nowo, przygotowałem USB z Yosemite oraz drugi z El Capitan, obie próby instalacji systemu "zaczynają" się niepowodzeniem, brak możliwości postawić system z partycji recovery, przywracania internetowego również brak, dysk to Samsung 840Evo 120GB, postanowiłem sprawdzić go przez DriveDx, niestety nie znam się na tych rzeczach więc trudno stwierdzić czy faktycznie jest to problem z dyskiem czy może jeszcze coś innego. Poniżej raport z DriveDx. Znajomy mówi że dysk umarł ale prosił bym o potwierdzenie.

Report Timestamp                     : 29 May 2017 10:54:45 BST
Report Timestamp (ISO 8601 format)   : 2017-05-29T10:54:45

Application Name                     : DriveDx
Application Version                  :
Application SubBuild                 : 0
Application Edition                  : Standalone
Application Website                  :
DriveDx Knowledge Base Revision      : 6/6

OS Boot Time                         : 2017-05-27T11:34:35
Time Since Boot                      : 1 day 23h 20m 10s
OS Name                              : macOS
OS Version                           : 10.12.4
OS Build                             : 16E195
OS Kernel Version                    : Darwin 16.5.0

SAT SMART Driver Version             : 0.8.1s
ATA Command Support Tolerance        : verypermissive
N of drives in report                : 1

### DRIVE 1 OF 1 ###
Last Checked                         : 29 May 2017 10:54:14 BST
Last Checked (ISO 8601 format)       : 2017-05-29T10:54:14

Advanced SMART Status                : OK
Overall Health Rating                : GOOD 100%
Overall Performance Rating           : GOOD 99.0%
SSD Lifetime Left Indicator          : GOOD 86.0%
Issues found                         : 1

Serial Number                        : S1D5NSBDA29816X
WWN Id                               : 5 002538 8a0092a9d
Volumes                              : Untitled
Device Path                          : /dev/disk4
Total Capacity                       : 120.0 GB (120,034,123,776 Bytes)
Model Family                         : Samsung SSD
Model                                : Samsung SSD 840 EVO 120GB
Firmware Version                     : EXT0BB0Q
Drive Type                           : SSD

Power On Time                        : 2,342 hours (3 months 7 days 14 hours)
Power Cycles Count                   : 5,416
Current Power Cycle Time             : 47.3 hours

S.M.A.R.T. support enabled           : yes
DriveDx Active Diagnostic Config     : Samsung SSDs config []
Sector Logical Size                  : 512
Sector Physical Size                 : 512
Physical Interconnect                : USB
Removable                            : yes
Ejectable                            : no
ATA Version                          : ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4c
SATA Version                         : SATA 3.1, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
I/O Path                             : IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/XHC1@14/XHC1@14000000/SSP1@14400000/JMicron@14400000/IOUSBHostInterface@0/IOUSBMassStorageInterfaceNub/IOUSBMassStorageDriverNub/IOUSBMassStorageUASDriver/IOSCSITargetDevice/IOSCSIHierarchicalLogicalUnit@0000000000000000/org_dungeon_driver_IOSATDriver/IOSATServices

Enclosure Vendor Id / Product Id     : 0x152d / 0x1561
SAT Pass Through Mode                : 

Attributes Data Structure Revision   : 1
SMART Command Transport (SCT) flags  : 0x3d
SCT Status supported                 : yes
SCT Feature Control supported        : yes
SCT Data Table supported             : yes
Error logging capabilities           : 0x1
Self-tests supported                 : yes
Offline Data Collection capabilities : 0x53
Offline Data Collection status       : 0x0
Auto Offline Data Collection flags   : 0x0
[Known device                       ]: yes
[Drive State Flags                  ]: 0xc0000000
[Last State Change Timestamp        ]: 2017-05-29T10:54:14
[Last State Change Flags            ]: 0x40000000
[Last State Change Diff Flags       ]: 0x1

Data Read                           : 4.0 MB
Data Written                        : 8.0 KB
Data Read/Write Ratio               : 513.69
Average Throughput (Read)           : 70.5 MB/s
Average Throughput (Write)          : 19.2 MB/s

Operations (Read)                   : 81
Operations (Write)                  : 2
Operations Read/Write Ratio         : 40
Throughput per operation (Read)     : 50.7 KB/Op
Throughput per operation (Write)    : 4.0 KB/Op

Latency Time (Read)                 : 0 ns
Latency Time (Write)                : 0 ns
Retries (Read)                      : 0
Retries (Write)                     : 0
Errors (Read)                       : 0
Errors (Write)                      : 0

Failed Indicators (life-span / pre-fail)  : 0 (0 / 0)
Failing Indicators (life-span / pre-fail) : 0 (0 / 0)
Warnings (life-span / pre-fail)           : 1 (1 / 0)
Recently failed Self-tests (Short / Full) : 0 (0 / 0)
I/O Errors Count                          : 0 (0 / 0)

ID  NAME                                         RAW VALUE                  STATUS
  5 Retired Block Count                          0                          100% OK
177 Wear Leveling Count                          163                        86.0% OK
179 Used Reserved Block Count Total              0                          100% OK
181 Program Fail Count                           0                          100% OK
182 Erase Fail Count                             0                          100% OK
241 Total LBAs Written                           6,354,062,516 (3.0 TB)     99.0% OK

ID   | NAME                                        | TYPE      | UPDATE | RAW VALUE                  | VALUE | THRESHOLD | WORST | STATUS          | LAST MODIFIED      
   5   Retired Block Count                           Pre-fail    online                0                 100          10    100     100%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
   9   Power On Hours                                Life-span   online              2,342                99           0     99    99.0%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
  12   Power Cycle Count                             Life-span   online              5,416                94           0     94    94.0%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 177   Wear Leveling Count                           Pre-fail    online               163                 86           0     86    86.0%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 179   Used Reserved Block Count Total               Pre-fail    online                0                 100          10    100     100%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 181   Program Fail Count                            Life-span   online                0                 100          10    100     100%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 182   Erase Fail Count                              Life-span   online                0                 100          10    100     100%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 183   Total Runtime Bad Block Count                 Pre-fail    online                0                 100          10    100     100%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 187   Uncorrectable Error Count                     Life-span   online                0                 100           0    100     100%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 190   Airflow Temperature Celsius                   Life-span   online                28                 72           0     53    72.0%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 195   ECC Error Rate                                Life-span   online               0x0                200           0    200     100%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 199   CRC Error Count                               Life-span   online                15                 99           0     99    99.0%  Warning     29/05/2017 10:54     
 235   Power Recovery Count                          Life-span   online              5,362                99           0     99    99.0%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     
 241   Total LBAs Written                            Life-span   online      6,354,062,516 (3.0 TB)       99           0     99    99.0%  OK          29/05/2017 10:54     

error log is empty

self-test log is empty

#2 PRW07

  • 344 postów
  • Płeć:
  • SkądKatowice

Napisano 31 maja 2017 - 11:21

Podejrzewam że padła taśma dysku. Sam dysk jest sprawny.

#3 macsupport


  • 8 620 postów
  • SkądKraków

Napisano 31 maja 2017 - 11:35

Dokładnie. CRC error count czyli na 99% uszkodzona taśma dysku.

Jedyny serwis sprzętu Apple w Małopolsce polecany przez

ul. Kadecka 10, 30-078 Kraków

kom: 889 566 455 ; tel: 12 421 65 91

#4 bee3

  • 3 841 postów

Napisano 31 maja 2017 - 22:35

Żeby upewnić się w domowych warunkach (przed wymianą taśmy)  - możesz podpiąć ten dysk jako zewnętrzny przez USB

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