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iPhone 6 Plus wyłączył się i nie chce się włączyć

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3 replies to this topic

#1 burczybass-0636a41136

  • 473 posts
  • SkądWars i Sawa

Posted 24 April 2017 - 19:20


Mam następujący problem. Dziś normalnie używałem telefonu (iP 6+), w pewnym momencie wyciągam go z kieszeni spodni a tam czarny ekran.

Nie reaguje na nic, iTunes go nie wykrywa. Nie ładuje się..

Rozkręciłem go, odpiąłem baterię, podpiąłem z powrotem - ale nic to nie pomogło.

Próbowałem go też odpalić z odpiętą baterią - podłączonego do komputera.

W środku sprawdziłem wszystkie połączenia - wszystko jest połączone poprawnie, bateria działała normalnie tzn. starczała mi na cały dzień / półtora.

Nie mogę wykonać hard reset, bo jakiś miesiąc temu padł mi Home Button (najpierw przerywał, potem padł całkiem - łącznie z Touch ID).



Czy to smutny koniec mojego telefonu ? Co się mogło stać ? Nie upadł mi, ani go nie zalałem. 

#2 vaya

  • 176 posts

Posted 25 April 2017 - 21:31

Najpierw spradz jakie masz napięcie na baterii.


"szóstki" nie startują bez baterii

#3 burczybass-0636a41136

  • 473 posts
  • SkądWars i Sawa

Posted 25 April 2017 - 22:24

Najpierw spradz jakie masz napięcie na baterii.


"szóstki" nie startują bez baterii

Hej, dzięki za odp.


Dziś rano telefon "zobaczył" itunes. iPhone w trybie awaryjnym, bez widocznego numeru seryjnego. Przy próbie odtworzenia błąd 4005 bodajże (brak reakcji ze strony iPhone)


2017-04-25 08:26:30.000 iTunes[5138:160b]: restore library built Feb 27 2017 at 14:23:32

2017-04-25 08:26:30.000 iTunes[5138:160b]: iTunes: iTunes
2017-04-25 08:26:30.000 iTunes[5138:160b]: iTunes: Software payload version: 14E304
2017-04-25 08:26:30.000 iTunes[5138:160b]: iTunes: Using MobileRestore state machine
[08:27:04.2861] Successfully applied power assertion
[08:27:04.2896] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:27:04.2977] Automatically set FormatForAPFS => True and FormatForLwVM => False.
[08:27:04.2982] Changing state from '(null)' to 'Restoring'
[08:27:04.2997] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:27:04.3064] no override trust object found
[08:27:04.3064] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:27:04.3099] amai: AMAuthInstallSsoInitialize: can't find SSOClient.framework
[08:27:04.3100] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:27:04.3101] requested variant: Erase
[08:27:04.3102] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:27:04.3103] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleFDRSupported: FDR is supported for this device
[08:27:04.3105] personalizing: <AMAuthInstall 0x7fab58f98d20>{ap=(personalize=YES n56ap ecid=0x948aa2430a426, chipid=0x7000, boardid=0x4, isProduction=YES, EPRO=YES, isSecure=YES, ESEC=YES, img4=YES, demotionPolicy=, nonce=0xb5992dc8a668fd474969111b9b1ff1997cf01bab, sepNonce=0xe5b05999ef84ea703a85f03eca31442daffd6cba), bp=(personalize=YES), UserAuth=NO, iTunes=YES, server="http://gs.apple.com:80", locale=pl_PL, version="libauthinstall-473.50.16", platform=mac/15G1217/x86_64}
[08:27:04.3330] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleShouldPersonalizeOS: Personalize OS = Yes
[08:27:04.3368] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleShouldPersonalizeOS: Personalize OS = Yes
[08:27:04.6925] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is True
[08:27:04.6928] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreLogo" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5bd02b30 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xc7c1d4024592ee89a8903858a37ef2f883402635}"
[08:27:04.6930] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5bd21ea0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x9eba9a50f1bd5ebb89f266a133d8c4d70ba69449}"
[08:27:04.6933] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreKernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5bbb8a40 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xa2118ce4c2e40f27f94bb248c22175927fd88e36}"
[08:27:04.6935] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreRamDisk" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5bb28da0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x39f1e27a0c005a99aa7d3280d4b09d0b6a390612}"
[08:27:04.6936] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "OSRamdisk" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:27:04.6940] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBEC" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5bb28bb0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x26eedd1416a071472f61673fda2c383a268b3f81}"
[08:27:04.6943] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBSS" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5ba801d0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xf4d74a097f97a69b2a5929f41878af186a05499f}"
[08:27:04.6944] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "KernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5b6581c0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x6bf792811a7d3e47f3f248f721793fd4df659be4}"
[08:27:04.6971] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "ftap"
[08:27:04.6971] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "rfta"
[08:27:04.6971] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "ftsp"
[08:27:04.6972] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "rfts"
[08:27:04.6972] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "Diags" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:27:04.6972] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "CFELoader" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:27:04.6972] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "RBM" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:27:04.6973] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "PHLEET" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:27:04.6973] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "PERTOS" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:27:04.6973] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "PEHammer" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:27:04.6973] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "Alamo" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:27:04.6974] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "OS"
[08:27:04.6974] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "LLB" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5bd11fa0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xfad7f4d191735f1dd074da2f68f1db5afd6297e9}"
[08:27:04.6974] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "AppleLogo" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5b65bb50 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x5b7a30d13edf6ac31f9326ea8f981d8dfbd9dad0}"
[08:27:04.6975] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryCharging1" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5b62e9e0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xb0ef1d8ee5828cc102cb61447a074fa1d8e8bb63}"
[08:27:04.6975] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "SEP" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5ba80430 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xc352474dd1993eff58cf4dbf106e7bcef4dce020}"
[08:27:04.6975] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryFull" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5ba80490 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xdeeb8954058532dad8673f1b8378b7e95952b4ed}"
[08:27:04.6976] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryPlugin" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5bb28f70 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x8db4c4b1e1e46092b66eb432a225c68c1b690faf}"
[08:27:04.6976] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryCharging0" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5ba6b070 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x8e36af510662325264a5766be11f3d26c9d782f5}"
[08:27:04.6979] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryLow1" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5bb290b0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x666ffa877c06b48a2923d4bff3cabfb8520f5f08}"
[08:27:04.6979] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreSEP" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5ba6b0d0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xce825aaa2b3dd4f19924eb08de63ba7a0e842b54}"
[08:27:04.6983] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryLow0" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5ba6b250 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xf898f691adbff5a7e29e9fa71d451b0cd2124d1e}"
[08:27:04.6983] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RecoveryMode" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5ba6b3d0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xfe703b6e12fcc51b05998b242009ff0752740d7e}"
[08:27:04.6986] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "DeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5ba6b550 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x7e25605f1460a6a6963d19cae243814b08005f00}"
[08:27:04.6988] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBoot" Digest = "<CFData 0x7fab5bd150b0 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x8fa7c826ef1ed4fc5c757197e4be78c60e47697a}"
[08:27:04.6990] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: using UniqueBuildID <CFData 0x7fab5bc43870 [0x7fff763da440]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x429fa479fb798031357e3750f6c76ede088eb717}
[08:27:04.7020] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: SSO function returned NULL and no SSO token was provided, SSO disabled.
[08:27:04.7038] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: file:///tmp/PersonalizedBundle_436B614B-CCB2-411A-BD69-51EA30579CA0/amai/debug/tss-request.plist
[08:27:04.7039] amai: tss_submit_job_with_retry: TSS Connection attempt 1 of 3.  (Will retry if TSS_ERR_SERVER_NOT_REACHABLE.)
[08:27:04.7049] amai: AMAuthInstallHttpMessageSendSync: httpRequest=<CFHTTPMessageRef 0x7fab5b66d790(0x7fab5b66d7a0)> { POST request, url http://gs.apple.com:...roller?action=2 }
[08:27:05.3317] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss response (server version: 2.1.0)
[08:27:05.3341] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: file:///tmp/PersonalizedBundle_436B614B-CCB2-411A-BD69-51EA30579CA0/amai/debug/tss-response.plist
[08:27:05.7327] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "OSRamdisk"
[08:27:05.8511] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "ftap" does not require personalization; skipping it
[08:27:05.8512] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "rfta" does not require personalization; skipping it
[08:27:05.8514] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "ftsp" does not require personalization; skipping it
[08:27:05.8516] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "rfts" does not require personalization; skipping it
[08:27:05.8518] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "Diags"
[08:27:05.8520] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "CFELoader"
[08:27:05.8522] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "RBM"
[08:27:05.8523] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "PHLEET"
[08:27:05.8525] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "PERTOS"
[08:27:05.8526] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "PEHammer"
[08:27:05.8528] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "Alamo"
[08:27:05.8530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "OS" does not require personalization; skipping it
[08:27:06.0446] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: production fused device
[08:27:06.0447] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:27:06.0490] Issued GETSTATE request: state = 0x2
[08:27:06.0491] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 0
[08:27:06.0491] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0505] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0505] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 1
[08:27:06.0506] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0520] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0520] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 2
[08:27:06.0521] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0534] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0535] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 3
[08:27:06.0535] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0550] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0550] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 4
[08:27:06.0551] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0566] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0567] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 5
[08:27:06.0567] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0582] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0583] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 6
[08:27:06.0583] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0596] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0596] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 8
[08:27:06.0597] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0610] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0611] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 9
[08:27:06.0611] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0626] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0627] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 10
[08:27:06.0627] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0641] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0642] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 11
[08:27:06.0642] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0655] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0656] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 12
[08:27:06.0656] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0671] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0672] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 13
[08:27:06.0672] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0683] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0684] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 14
[08:27:06.0686] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0697] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0698] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 16
[08:27:06.0699] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0715] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0715] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 17
[08:27:06.0716] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0732] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0733] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 18
[08:27:06.0733] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0746] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0747] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 19
[08:27:06.0749] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0762] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0763] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 20
[08:27:06.0764] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0779] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0779] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 21
[08:27:06.0780] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0792] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0793] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 23
[08:27:06.0793] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0805] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0806] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 24
[08:27:06.0807] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0821] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0821] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 25
[08:27:06.0822] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0836] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0837] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 26
[08:27:06.0837] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0852] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0853] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 27
[08:27:06.0853] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0866] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0866] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 28
[08:27:06.0867] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0880] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0880] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 29
[08:27:06.0881] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0894] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0894] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 31
[08:27:06.0895] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0908] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0908] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 32
[08:27:06.0909] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0924] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0924] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 33
[08:27:06.0925] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0940] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0940] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 34
[08:27:06.0941] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0956] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0957] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 35
[08:27:06.0957] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0972] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0973] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 36
[08:27:06.0974] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.0989] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.0989] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 38
[08:27:06.0990] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1005] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1005] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 39
[08:27:06.1006] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1021] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1021] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 40
[08:27:06.1022] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1035] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1036] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 41
[08:27:06.1036] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1051] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1052] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 42
[08:27:06.1052] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1067] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1068] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 43
[08:27:06.1069] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1084] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1084] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 44
[08:27:06.1085] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1100] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1100] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 46
[08:27:06.1101] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1116] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1117] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 47
[08:27:06.1117] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1132] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1133] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 48
[08:27:06.1133] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1146] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1146] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 49
[08:27:06.1147] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1161] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1162] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 50
[08:27:06.1162] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1177] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1178] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 51
[08:27:06.1179] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1191] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1192] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 52
[08:27:06.1193] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1203] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1204] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 54
[08:27:06.1207] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1218] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1219] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 55
[08:27:06.1219] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1234] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1234] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 56
[08:27:06.1235] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1247] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1248] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 57
[08:27:06.1249] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1264] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1264] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 58
[08:27:06.1264] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1278] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1279] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 59
[08:27:06.1280] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1291] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1292] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 61
[08:27:06.1293] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1305] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1306] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 62
[08:27:06.1307] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1319] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1319] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 63
[08:27:06.1320] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1335] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1335] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 64
[08:27:06.1336] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1348] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1349] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 65
[08:27:06.1349] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1364] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1365] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 66
[08:27:06.1365] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1380] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1380] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 67
[08:27:06.1381] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1394] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1394] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 69
[08:27:06.1395] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1408] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1409] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 70
[08:27:06.1410] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1423] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1424] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 71
[08:27:06.1425] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1437] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1437] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 72
[08:27:06.1438] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1452] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1453] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 73
[08:27:06.1453] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1470] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1470] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 74
[08:27:06.1471] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1484] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1484] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 76
[08:27:06.1485] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1500] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1500] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 77
[08:27:06.1501] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1513] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1514] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 78
[08:27:06.1515] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1528] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1528] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 79
[08:27:06.1529] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1544] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1544] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 80
[08:27:06.1545] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1560] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1560] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 81
[08:27:06.1561] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1574] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1574] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 82
[08:27:06.1575] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1587] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1587] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 84
[08:27:06.1588] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1602] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1603] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 85
[08:27:06.1604] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1618] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1619] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 86
[08:27:06.1619] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1633] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1634] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 87
[08:27:06.1635] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1646] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1647] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 88
[08:27:06.1649] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1662] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1664] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 89
[08:27:06.1664] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1677] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1678] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 90
[08:27:06.1679] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1693] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1693] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 92
[08:27:06.1695] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1710] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1711] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 93
[08:27:06.1712] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1725] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1726] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 94
[08:27:06.1727] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1742] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1743] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 95
[08:27:06.1745] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1760] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1761] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 96
[08:27:06.1762] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1777] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1778] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 97
[08:27:06.1780] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1795] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1796] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: operation 2 progress 99
[08:27:06.1797] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1811] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0
[08:27:06.1812] Issuing DNLOAD request
[08:27:06.1818] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 6 status = 0
[08:27:06.2327] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 7 status = 0
[08:27:06.3267] <DFU Device 0x7fab5b12a3e0>: DFU succeeded
[08:27:06.3286] DFU mode device disconnected
[08:27:06.3287] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state
[08:27:06.3287] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
[08:27:06.3287] Finished DFU Restore Phase: Successful
[08:27:06.3288] Creating timer to monitor transition
[08:27:06.3288] Creating a timer for 10 minutes
[08:37:06.3230] Restore completed, status:4005
[08:37:06.3230] Failure Description:
[08:37:06.3230] Depth:0 Code:4005 Error:Gave up waiting for device to transition from DFU state to DFU state. 
Tak czy siak - po południu oddałem do serwisu na wyrok.

Edited by burczybass, 25 April 2017 - 22:24.

#4 RafalB82

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Posted 26 April 2017 - 07:58

Bardzo możliwe że to problem na linii NAND-CPU choć uszkodzona np kamera potrafi robić problem na szynie i2c i podobne cyrki mogą się dziać.

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