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How To: Instalacja/aktualizacja Bootcampa dla Windows na starszych modelach Macbook'a Pro

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#1 lecdzi

  • 20 posts
  • SkądwarszaFka

Posted 24 April 2015 - 10:55

Ponizszy tutorial opracowano na przykladzie Macbook'a Pro z 2007 roku.


  • Solution 1:
    1. Boot into Windows and insert or thumb drive that contains bootcamp64.msi files
    2. Right-click on Start » Programs » Accessories » Command Prompt
    3. Select Run as Administrator
      • Type cd /d F and press ENTER
      • Type cd windowssupport and press ENTER
      • Type cd  drivers and press ENTER
      • Type cd apple and press ENTER
      • Type BootCamp64.msi and press ENTER


  • Solution 2 (If you have encoutered the error “Boot Camp x64 is unsupported on this computer model” on an older model intel mac then do the following to get things installed):
    1. Launch CMD.exe as an administrator. You can do this by right-clicking on it and selecting RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR or left-clicking on it while holding CTRL+SHIFT to do the same.
    2. Traverse to your boot camp installation directory
    3. Execute the following command: msiexec /i Bootcamp64.msi lub msiexec /i Bootcamp.msi
    4. Boot Camp x64 software and drivers will now install.

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