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pytanko o xfree86 w debianie

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7 replies to this topic

#1 menelek

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 13:59

uparłem się, że zainstaluję środowisko fraficzne w debianie. Jestem w trakcie konfiguracji pakietu, a na ekranie mam pytanie o ,,Bus ID of the video card". Jako że nie mam dostępu do ibooka (instaluje się to xfree) proszę o pomoc :oops: Wiem, że pytanko całkiem lamerskie, lecz te dane do tej pory nie były mi potrzebne...

[ Dodano: 2006-01-23, 15:09 ]
dobra, już znalazłem, że to pole, mimo usilnych namówień ze strony debiana, trzeba ignorować..
xfree86 już siedzi, a teraz będę poszukiwał managera :shock:

#2 Dr.Logic

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 19:09

Ajj ja polecam xorga , Jak masz karte ATI to zainstaluj sterowniki ze strony później uruchom fglrx-config . i wtedy elegancko skonfigurujesz sobie x-y :) . Menagera polecam e17 bądz fluxboxa :)

#3 Kwiatki

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 19:17

Re: pytanko o xfree86 w debianie

uparłem się, że zainstaluję środowisko fraficzne w debianie. Jestem w trakcie konfiguracji pakietu, a na ekranie mam pytanie o ,,Bus ID of the video card". Jako że nie mam dostępu do ibooka (instaluje się to xfree) proszę o pomoc :oops: Wiem, że pytanko całkiem lamerskie, lecz te dane do tej pory nie były mi potrzebne...

[ Dodano: 2006-01-23, 15:09 ]
dobra, już znalazłem, że to pole, mimo usilnych namówień ze strony debiana, trzeba ignorować..
xfree86 już siedzi, a teraz będę poszukiwał managera :shock:

gnome ;-) ladnie rozpoznaje sprzet podlaczany do usb czy innych portow i jest dosc szybki

#4 krzyfar


    The Hunter

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 20:56

Ja również polecam Gnome, nie taka kobyła jak KDE i przypomina z grubsza OSX`a :mrgreen:

#5 menelek

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 09:04

a pisałem już, że mój Debian to sarge? Wygląda na to, że ten fakt kilka rzeczy zmienia :| Ciężka sprawa ze znalezieniem jakiegokolwiek managera, chyba że coś przeoczyłem?

#6 tomasz


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Posted 24 January 2006 - 10:34

menelek, żartujesz sobie?
code:/home/code# apt-cache search xfce4
libxfce4mcs-client-1 - Client library for Xfce4 configure interface
libxfce4mcs-dev - Development files for libxfce4mcs-client and -manager
libxfce4mcs-manager-1 - Manager library for Xfce4 configure interface
libxfce4util-1 - Utility functions library for Xfce4
libxfce4util-dev - Development files for libxfce4util-1
libxfcegui4-1 - Basic GUI C functions for Xfce4
libxfcegui4-dev - Development files for libxfcegui4-1
mail-notification - mail notification in system tray
xchat-systray - xchat systray notification icon
xfcalendar - Time-managing application for the XFce desktop environment
xfce4 - Installs XFce4 core and scripts to set it up
xfce4-artwork - additional artwork for the XFce4 Desktop Environment
xfce4-battery-plugin - battery monitor plugin for the XFce4 panel
xfce4-clipman-plugin - clipboard history plugin for the XFce4 panel
xfce4-datetime-plugin - date and time plugin for the XFce4 panel
xfce4-diskperf-plugin - disk performance display plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-goodies - enhancements for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment
xfce4-iconbox - Iconbox for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment
xfce4-mcs-manager - Settings manager for Xfce4
xfce4-mcs-manager-dev - Development files and static plugins
xfce4-mcs-plugins - Special modules for the xfce4-mcs-manager
xfce4-minicmd-plugin - Mini-command line plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-mixer - XFce4 Mixer frontend
xfce4-netload-plugin - network load monitor plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-notes-plugin - Sticky notes plugin for the Xfce4 desktop
xfce4-panel - The Xfce4 desktop environment panel
xfce4-panel-dev - The Xfce4 panel development files
xfce4-session - XFce4 Session Manager
xfce4-showdesktop-plugin - show desktop button for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-systemload-plugin - system load monitor plugin for the XFce4 panel
xfce4-systray - Systray panel plugin for XFce4 panel
xfce4-themes - Theme files for Xfce4
xfce4-toys - Eyes plugin for XFce4 panel and xfce4-tips
xfce4-trigger-launcher - Panel plugin to start/stop programs
xfce4-utils - Various tools for XFce
xfce4-wavelan-plugin - wavelan status plugin for the XFce4 panel
xfce4-weather-plugin - Weather plugin for the XFce4 panel
xffm4 - File manager for the Xfce4 desktop environment
xffm4-icons - Icons for xffm4, the FM of XFce4
xfprint4 - Printer GUI for Xfce4
xfwm4 - window manager of the XFce project
xfwm4-themes - Theme files for xfwm4
code:/home/code# apt-cache search gnome2
abiword-gnome - WYSIWYG word processor based on GTK2/GNOME2
bacula-console-gnome - Network backup, recovery and verification (Console, Gnome version)
camorama - gnome2 tool to view, alter and save images from a webcam
docker - System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications
gconf2 - GNOME configuration database system. (daemon and tools, for GNOME2)
gda2-freetds - FreeTDS backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
gda2-mysql - MySQL backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
gda2-odbc - ODBC backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
gda2-postgres - PostgreSQL backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
gda2-sqlite - SQLite backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
gnome2-user-guide - GNOME 2 User's Guide
gnometab - WYSIWYG GNOME2 Program for creating guitar tabs
gphpedit - development environment for PHP/HTML/CSS
gthumb - an image viewer and browser for GNOME2
icewm-gnome-support - GNOME support files for IceWM
imhangul-status-applet - imhangul status applet for the GNOME2 panel
libbonoboui2-0 - The Bonobo UI library
libbonoboui2-common - The Bonobo UI library -- common files
libbonoboui2-dev - The Bonobo UI library - development files
libeel2-2 - Eazel Extensions Library (for GNOME2)
libeel2-data - Eazel Extensions Library - data files (for GNOME2)
libeel2-dev - Eazel Extensions Library - development files (GNOME2)
libgconf2-4 - GNOME configuration database system libraries (for GNOME2)
libgconf2-dev - GNOME configuration database system development files. (for GNOME2)
libgda2-3 - GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
libgda2-3-dbg - GDA2 library and debugging symbols
libgda2-common - Common files for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
libgda2-dev - Development files for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
libgda2-doc - Documentation files for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
libgdk-pixbuf-gnome2 - The GNOME1 Canvas pixbuf library
libgnetwork1.0-0 - networking wrapper library using Glib/GObject
libgnetwork1.0-dev - networking wrapper library using Glib/GObject (development files)
libgnome2-0 - The GNOME 2 library - runtime files
libgnome2-canvas-perl - Perl interface to the GNOME canvas library
libgnome2-common - The GNOME 2 library - common files
libgnome2-dev - The GNOME 2 library - development files
libgnome2-doc - The GNOME 2 library - documentation files
libgnome2-gconf-perl - Perl interface to the GNOME GConf library
libgnome2-java - Java framework for creating GNOME applications
libgnome2-jni - Java framework for creating GNOME applications
libgnome2-perl - Perl interface to the GNOME libraries
libgnome2-print-perl - Perl interface to the GNOME Printing libraries
libgnome2-ruby - GNOME 2 bindings for the Ruby language
libgnome2-vfs-perl - Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library
libgnome2-wnck-perl - Perl interface to the Window Navigator Construction Kit
libgnomedb2-4 - Database UI widget library for GNOME2
libgnomedb2-4-dbg - Database UI widget library for GNOME2 and debugging symbols
libgnomedb2-common - Database UI widget library for GNOME2 -- common files
libgnomedb2-dev - Database UI widget library for GNOME2 -- development files
libgnomedb2-doc - Database UI widget library for GNOME2 -- documentation files
libgnomemm2.0-1 - C++ wrappers for libgnome2 (development files)
libgnomemm2.0-dev - C++ wrappers for libgnome2 (shared library)
libgtkhtml2-0 - HTML rendering/editing library - runtime files. (for GNOME2)
libgtkhtml2-dev - HTML rendering/editing library - development files. for (GNOME2)
librsvg2-2 - SAX-based renderer library for SVG files. (for GNOME2)
librsvg2-common - SAX-based renderer library for SVG files. (for GNOME2)
librsvg2-dev - SAX-based renderer library for SVG files. (development files)
libxml++1.0 - A C++ interface to the GNOME XML library (libxml2)
libxml++1.0-dev - A C++ interface to the GNOME XML library (libxml2)
libxml++1.0-doc - HTML interface documentation and examples for libxml++
libxml++2.6 - A C++ interface to the GNOME XML library (libxml2)
libxml++2.6-dev - A C++ interface to the GNOME XML library (libxml2)
libxml++2.6-doc - HTML interface documentation and examples for libxml++
liferea-gtkhtml - gtkhtml-based rendering for Liferea
liferea-mozilla - mozilla-based rendering for Liferea
lock-keys-applet - A keyboard lock keys applet for the GNOME2 panel
mboxcheck-applet - A GNOME2 applet to check your mboxes
mergeant - GNOME Database admin tool GUI for GNOME2
netmon-applet - GNOME2 Network Load Applet
python-gnome2 - Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment
python-gnome2-dev - Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment
python2.3-gnome2 - Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment
revelation - GNOME2 Password manager
ruby-gnome2 - GNOME-related bindings for the Ruby language
solfege - Ear training program for GNOME2
ssh-askpass-fullscreen - Under Gnome2, asks user for a passphrase for ssh-add
vim-full - Vi IMproved - full fledged version of the enhanced vi editor
vim-gnome - Vi IMproved - GNOME2 Version
xpenguins-applet - GNOME2 panel applet implementation of xpenguins
To pakiety tylko dla xfce4 oraz Gnome2, te dwa polecam.
Xfce4 jest lekki, szybki i przyjemny a Gnome jest powerful ;)
Aby zainstalować wystarczy
apt-get install gnome2
apt-get install xfce4
Pamiętaj aby robić to jako 'root'

#7 menelek

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 11:08

ale ze mnie numer :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Wpisywałem to samo, tylko bez ,,2" :lol: , czyli np. ,,gnome" zamiast ,,gnome2"... Tylko kurcze nie znalazłem tej informacji wcześniej. Generalnie informacji o linuxach na maki jest bardzo mało w necie... Pozdrawiam i dzięki :mrgreen:

#8 tomasz


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Posted 24 January 2006 - 12:24

Generalnie informacji o linuxach na maki jest bardzo mało w necie...

Tak samo jak mało jest informacji o Linuxach na x86 ;)
W necie zazwyczaj są informacje na temat Linuxa jako takiego bez zróżnicowania na platformy bo różnice są niewielkie (konfiguracja jądra, ustawienia flag dla kompilatora).
Reszta jest w 99% zgodna, łącznie z dostępnymi pakietami na daną platformę.

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